Kavli Centre for Ethics, Science, and the Public
Our aims

Our aims

The Kavli Centre for Ethics, Science, and the Public aims to have a positive impact on both science and society because we:

  • Conduct public engagement at early stages of scientific discovery
  • Enhance and evolve societal awareness of discovery ethics of science globally, including diverse communities
  • Empower scientists to consider and navigate ethical and societal concerns
  • Enable the inclusion of societal perspectives as part of research and policy development

Watch our pitch film submitted to the Kavli Foundation here:

Recognising that both ‘the public’ and ‘scientists’ are mixed groups with many communities, values and interests, the Kavli Centre pursues new ways to build communication bridges between….

  • Public audiences
  • Scientists
  • Public engagement and communication professionals
  • Ethicists
  • Social scientists
  • Community groups
  • Health Professionals

The Kavli Centre delivers its research and engagement strategy….

  • By facilitating encounters between members of the public and scientists to discuss and deliberate on the societal and ethical questions associated with science
  • By researching new approaches of engaging scientific and public audiences in discussions on the ethics of science
  • By understanding what shapes scientists’ and publics’ awareness of, and the ability to act on, the ethical issues associated with discovery science
  • By empowering scientists to evolve how they do science